Monday, August 12, 2013

Statue of a Snow Dog

 I love little girls. They love to craft and create and make homemade gifts.  I received this from Mallory for my anniversary last week.  She used some flowers my sister-in-law gave her from her etsy business.  It says, "Happy 16th Anniversary Mom.  I Love you."

And today she made this creation for my birthday from ribbon, crayons, a hardened eraser, a jingle bell, and lots of glue.  It says, "Happy 35th Brthay Mom."
 And then Ross called me into the sun room/craft room to look at her work space.  It appears she thinks the floor is painted with chalkboard paint.  It's not.  And that's not chalk.  It's crayon.
But she came up with perhaps her most unique creation a few weeks ago.  She found her "craft supplies" in a drawer in my bathroom.  Elizabeth was mortified.

She titled this "Statue of a Snow Dog."
There is never a dull moment in this house.