Monday, February 4, 2013


Happy birthday to our baby boy!
 9 months
12 months

San Diego at 15 months
 Drew always has been silly (18 months).

Drew and Benny on their 2nd and 17th birthdays  

 Two of Drew's favorites at the age of two:  Cousin Sterling and earlobes
Earlobes were Drew's fetish.  He just couldn't resist rubbing soft earlobes.  Baby earlobes were his favorite.  Sterling was always a good sport to let Drew get a feel of his!
And Drew also loved his Crocs!  He wore them everywhere - even to sleep!
His obsession was Buzz when he was a little guy!  Oh, how we miss those fun super hero days.
 Now his obsession is football.
 And he is still silly.
 Somethings will always stay the same.

Happy birthday to our charming, intelligent, witty, nice little man!