Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mother of the Year, I am not.

Here is what a one-year old eats for breakfast when her mother is not feeling well:

Chocolate Chips.
Not chocolate chip pancakes. Just plain ole chocolate chips in a bowl. On the floor.

I have a cold that is knocking me down today. Every thing I pulled out for Mallory to eat for breakfast she was refusing this morning - even her favorite- frozen pancakes. So it was on to the pantry where I showed her Pop Tarts. "No." "Toast?" "No. Caw-caw." "Chocolate?" was my reply. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" with an emphatic shaking of her head. Frankly, I didn't feel like trying to talk her into something else, so she got what she wanted. I don't guess it can do her too much damage! Heck, I occasionally have chocolate for breakfast myself!
And doesn't she look so pleased to have gotten her way?

Go Cards!

Last night, Edward and I were able to go to a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game. He and his two secretaries, through lots of hard work, qualified through a promotion in his district to attend the game with their spouses. All in all, about eight agents were there along with their office staff and spouses. It was a lot of fun, and the Cards pulled through in the end to beat Milwaukee 5-3. They were down the whole game, and everyone from our group had left except for his district manager, his secretary and her family, and us. It paid to stick it out because the Cards rallied in the seventh and eighth innings to pull out a win. I think that's the best kind of game to attend!

We parked right under the arch to make the LLLOOOONNNNGGG walk to Busch Stadium. It was only about four blocks away, but those are city blocks. Then, when we got through the gates at the stadium it was quite a haul up the three stories of winding ramps, and then we had another flight of stairs before we reached our seats. We were running a bit late (shocking for us, I know), so we were really bookin' it to get to our seats. My little legs were quite tired by the time we got there.

When the game was over, and we were walking back to our car we saw quite a few obnoxious drunk people. I'm always so amazed at the herd mentally some people have. I know without the large mass of people (and without the alcohol) normal people wouldn't be using such awful language or behaving extremely inappropriately with statues. But living my sheltered life, I am aware those things do happen.