Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ross!

My baby boy turned 9 last week while we were on vacation (not too many kids get to spend their birthday in Orlando - Drew has already requested to go there for his)! Where does the time go?!? What a joy it was to welcome Ross into our life. He was born the summer before my last year of college. Thanks to the help of our amazing family and friends (Ross' aunts Jan Ellen and Katie, uncles Aaron and Mike, cousins Katie and Laura, and friend Briana - did I miss anyone?), I was able to carry a 12 hour load that first semester after he arrived, and I did my student teaching that second semester. While I enjoyed my students, it was torture to know I couldn't be with my baby all day! Graduation couldn't come soon enough so I could finally begin my career as a full-time Mommy!

9 Fun Facts About Ross
1. He is a MONKEY BOY!!!! He could climb before he could walk. I don't think there isn't anything that boy can't climb! As a baby, he tried to scale my parents' fireplace. He tried sinking his toes between the bricks. And monkeys are his favorite animal. He loves them.
2. He loves sports - wrestling, baseball, soccer! His favorite sport is whatever he is involved in at the time. And, he is a great sportsman. He always congratulates his opponents in wrestling.
When he plays catcher, he always picks up the bat for the boy from the other team. Etc.
3. He is my best eater. I can honestly say I can never remember him complaining about something I've made for dinner. Not a feat I can say about Elizabeth and Drew, that's for sure!
4. He is very confident about himself ;) - I think that might be the trait of a first born!
5. He is so gentle with babies. Not too many boys are interested in babies, but he is so sweet with them. He is often the first one that asks to hold a newborn (he gets that after his Momma).
6. He is absolutely AMAZING with numbers (he definitely gets that from his Daddy).
7. He has quite a memory. He can remember every little detail. I don't know why I ever question him about past events. He usually is right.
8. Girls are still taboo to him (YES!).
9. He is very easy to laugh (again, he gets that from me). When he gets very tickled (which is often) his rapid-fire laugh brings a smile to anyone who can hear him.
Happy Birthday, Buddy!