Monday, November 5, 2007

Getting a jump start on Christmas pictures!

Miscellaneous Halloween Pics

Finally, the real thing! Trick-or-treating on Halloween.

All of the Wright cousins

" Jackpot! Maybe this dressing-up nonsense isn't so bad afterall!"

Mallory REALLY enjoyed her first sucker! She kept getting it stuck in her feathers, but that didn't stop her. She enjoyed a feather-covered sucker just the same!

How hysterical is this! Anna was the cutest cave woman ever!
The bone in her hair was the best! And yes, that is her real hair. I haven't yet found out how fun it was to wash that out.
Our friends, the Williams, invited us to go trick-or-treating at the state park where they were camping the weekend before Halloween. We enjoyed the candy, s'mores, chili, and good company!

Mummy-wrap Ross

Drew and his buddy Cade